Best SEO Podcast

#52: Technical SEOs Talk Technical SEO & SEO Audits (W/ Nikki Halliwell)

Join me in this captivating SEO discussion with the brilliant Nikki Halliwell, a technical SEO specialist hailing from Manchester, and currently working at Journey Further. With a rich resume spanning freelance SEO through her website,, SEO auditing with, and an active member of Women in Tech SEO, Nikki's journey is filled with invaluable insights and experiences worth sharing.

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In this interview, Nikki and I delve deep into the intriguing world of SEO, sharing personal experiences, success stories, and invaluable tips. We talk about life at an agency, taking the leap into freelancing, and the essence of practical learning in SEO, which often means breaking things to learn better!

An important part of our conversation revolves around the intricacies of technical SEO audits. We share our processes, methods, and the importance of manual auditing over automated software, where Nikki brings in her specialization and insights.

Nikki's multifaceted SEO journey doesn't end here. She's also a proud member of the fantastic Women in Tech SEO community and has mentored an SEO professional during WTSEO's inaugural Mentorship Program. With a wealth of experience in marketing and industry certifications, Nikki has shared her expertise at events like the London Book Fair and the Brighton Music Conference. She also runs a growing newsletter – Tech SEO Tips Newsletter, which stemmed from her successful Twitter series #TechSEOTuesday.

So, get ready to dive into the world of SEO through Nikki's lens, learning about everything from agency work and freelancing, to technical audits and practical learning, right down to her love for coffee, wine, and spending quality time with her dog, Spud.

Don't forget to subscribe for my daily SEO tips in the #BetterSEOToday series and to Nikki's Tech SEO Tips Newsletter. Together, let's unravel the fascinating world of SEO!

Follow Nikki and check her sites: