Ex-Googler Reveals The Truth About Search Quality & Predicts The Future Of SEO #65

Pedro Dias shares his unique perspective on search quality and the future of SEO in this fascinating interview.

Pedro brings a thoughtful approach that combines technical expertise with focusing on real user needs. Some of his key insights:

  • How Google assesses quality based on user behavior, not by dictating standards
  • Why SEOs should focus on information architecture and UX before SEO tactics Optimistic view of AI - it will augment SEOs' work, not replace
  • His experience working at Google in the early days Pedro offers so much wisdom from being on both sides of search - creating it at Google and now optimizing for it as a consultant.

Don't miss this chance to learn from an industry insider! Pedro brings a passionate, thoughtful approach to SEO that can help any digital marketer. Hit subscribe and share the knowledge!

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